Jungle Green Chicken Curry Captain Cook cooks one-armed part 2

Dear friends, as we are living in an international world, in front of the european elections, and with difficult german grammar, I think it is time to switch to english to open up our mind and to broaden the community.

As you know I broke my elbow 2 weeks ago. A very stupid thing to do. Takes long and will keep me busy the next weeks. So I am obliged to cook the easy way. Easy but yummy. So today there is a Jungle Green Chicken Curry with fresh veggies and rice noodles.


First we do the curry paste. We need a food processor and throw all in:

2 chilis, 1 red, 1 green

2 garlic gloves

10 Kaffir leaves

7 cm of ginger pealed,

1 shallot,

1 tbsp tamarind paste

1 tbsp palm sugar

3 tbsp light soy sauce

3 tbsp fish sauce

stalks of 1 bunch of coriander

1/2  bunch of mint (only leaves)

1/2 carrot, pealed

and now atomize all to a fantastic jungle green curry paste. One of the best I ever made. Spicy, lemony, rich in flavor.

Next to come is the chicken. We have bought free range chicken from the local market in Friedrichshafen. There are every friday beautiful, colorful and tasty veggies on offer. The chicken is from Family Müller near Kempten (www.mueller-gefluegelhof.de). No antibiotics, no hormones, not fish flour, only nature! Why can´t we all go back to natural food?

Cut the chicken breast into thin stripes and dust them slightly with flour. Wok on, 2 tbsp of sunflower oil, and stir-fry the chicken stripes until golden brown. Put aside for later.


Cut 1/2 white cabbage in 2 cm long pieces, the same with the colorful swiss chart, 1 tomato and 3 long red fresh peppers.


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Cabbage into the wok together with the curry paste and stir-fry for a minute,



pour in 200 ml coconut cream and 200 ml water, add the swiss chard stokes and let it boil for 2 minutes. Then add the peppers, the chicken stripes, the swiss chard leaves and lemon juice of 1/2 a lemon.


Serve with rice noodles.


Garnish with fresh coriander, mint roasted sesame oil.


Better than any cheap junk food. Giuseppina, dinner is ready 🙂


Ciao tutti. Ci vediamo presto!